Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Reading Diary B: Bidpai

The Hare, the Fox, and the Wolf
·      The message of this story is to watch what you do and promise because you never know how it will come back to you. The Hare promised the Wolf a delicious meal if he didn’t eat him. The wolf and Hare ended up in a put together because the fox knew what was going on. I liked this story and its message.
Three Stories about Snakes
·      These stories were sad and I didn’t really see what the message was. I liked how simple they are compared to the other section but the lack the beauty in the writing as the other sections.
The Camel Driver and the Adder
·      I really enjoyed the message of this story and the insight it brought into the action of men. “That for every favor you do to men, you must expect some injury in return.” This is a great quote that pretty much sums up the moral of the story.
Two Tortoise Stories
·      These two stories were great as well. The both had the message to not harm or hurt those who help you. The Geese were told him not to open his mouth because he would fall and die and the tortoise just couldn’t do that.
The Crane and the Crab
·      I like how these stories have the same sort of message but why do they all have to be so negative. Someone always has to die. Maybe I’ll try to make my stories more positive.
The Lean Cat and the Fat Cat
·      "To stay at home and be content with your dish of honest broth. Think what might happen to you if the royal cook should catch you stealing from the King's table!" good quote. I like the message about appreciation and liking what you have.
Three Stories about Birds
·      I liked the message of the first today to not try and be like anyone else or else you’ll forget who you are.
The Partridge and the Hawk
·      I know that you are one of the kings among birds, and that I am only a poor Partridge. Suppose that some day I should displease you. Would you not promptly tear me to pieces?"- great quote.
The Crow, the Jackal, the Wolf, and the Camel
·      These stories all have the same type of message and same type of way of telling it.
The Three Fish
·      Good message- to think outside the box. I like this story.
The Lion and the Hare

·      King Lion, we are proud to have such a brave and valiant beast to rule over us. But we do not think that it is fitting for one of your rank to hunt for his own food. We therefore wait upon you with this request: henceforth do you remain quietly at home, and we your subjects will bring to your lair such food as it is fitting that a king should eat."
The Lion. Picture taken from the Untextbook

1 comment:

  1. Hi Averey,

    I think your reading diary is really well done. Pulling quotes from some of the stories is something I haven't really done, but I am considering doing. I like that it is not the same kind of notes for each story. You did a really good job!
