Garrett didn’t know where he was. He was officially lost
after trying to find his way for two hours. “Great,” Garrett said to himself.
“I have no idea where the hell I am in these dark ass woods. Why did I think it
would be a good idea to walk to this party…FIVE MILES AWAY?”
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Illistration by Matthew Anderson. |
As Garrett was walking in what he thought was the right
directions, he noticed a bright light in the distance. It was getting closer to
him. He was officially freaked out, but kept walking towards the light. The
closer it got he realized it was a man. Garrett was scared, but there was
something familiar about this man. He got closer and closer and then he
realized it was Michael Jackson, his favorite artist of all time. But wait…he
was supposed to be dead.
Garrett rubbed his eyes and looked again, yep it was Michael
all right. Michael told Garrett that he needed to lead his through a place that
he must see in order to one day be in a better place. Garrett was hesitant.
“The ghost of Michael Jackson was asking me to go somewhere with him…um hell
no,” Garrett thought to himself.
But something inside of him told him to go with him. Michael
explained on their journey that they were going to tour hell. Garrett was so
confused and freaked out, but was also curious.
He agreed and walked with Michael further until they got to
a gate that had inscripted on it “abandon all hope, you who enter here”.
Garrett was scared but Michael explained that they were about to see the
different levels of hell and the various reasons people ended up there. He told
Garrett that he would see angry people, scary people, and people laying there
content with where they are. Then they entered the first level.
Michael explained that people in this level were there for
vanity. These people cared too much about what they looked like and not enough
about the people they were. This level was sitting in chairs forced to look at
themselves without blinking. Their eyes were bleeding and they were in so much
pain. They moved on to the second level.
The second level was for people who spent too much time
using cell phones. The people in this level were forced to constantly talk.
Most of them couldn’t anymore so their throats were on fire. They looked so
miserable, Garrett thought.
The third level was filled with gluttons, people who
consumed too much junk food. They were forced to sit in heating lamps. Their
skin was burning off and bleeding.
The fourth level was filled with liars, people who lied on
the Internet and to one another. This level was forced to hear constant buzzing
in their ears. Their ears were bleeding and they were crying from pain.
Garrett heard the buzzing. It was hurting his ears so bad.
He couldn’t stand it. The buzzing got louder and louder. Garrett didn’t know
why he was hearing this too. He started to shake back and forth. The buzzing is
getting louder and louder. He just wanted it to stop.
Finally it stopped as Garrett opened his eyes and realized he had been dreaming. The buzzing was from his alarm clock. He looked around in a panic sweat and realized it was just a dream. He picked his Inferno book up off the floor. Garrett guessed he must have fallen asleep while reading for his test tomorrow. “I better be really ready for that test now,” Garrett said to himself.
Author’s Note: This week I read Dante’s Inferno. I read the
book in high school and honestly enjoyed it. I thought it was a very
interesting take on what hell might be like. And that is still true today. I
enjoyed this condensed version and was glad I got to refresh my Inferno knowledge.
For those of you who haven’t read Dante’s Inferno, is it a story about Dante
who gets lost in the woods and runs into Virgil an old Italian poet and they
take a journey through hell or inferno, the Italian word for hell. They
encounter 12 different circles of hell and each circle has people who committed
the same sins, as the circled progress the sins get worse. The first circle is
the pagans and the last circle has Lucifer. So each circle get progressively worse
and worse. I decided to write a very condensed version of the story because it
is so long and would take forever to retell the whole thing and it also wouldn’t
make much sense to just tell the story from one section. So that is how I
decided to write mine this way. I wrote mine with a very modern approach. I
think its interesting to take old stories and write them in a modern way. I
also used sins that have more to do with modern society. I decided to end my
story in a very different way, as a dream because I think it is a very
interesting and shocking twist. In the original, Dante gets out of his tour of
hell and returns to Earth. In my story, Garrett also leaves hell and returns to
Earth just in a very different way. I hope you enjoy.
Bibliography: Inferno.
Divine. Dante Alighieri. 1400.
Hey Averey, I really enjoyed reading your story this week! It was such a nice, modern twist on the original Dante's Inferno. You did a really great job of bringing an older piece of literature to life in a manner that is extremely relatable to today's society. Your ending really was a twist and it worked really well! Great job!
ReplyDeleteHi Averey!
ReplyDeleteDante’s Inferno is really tough to read, I couldn’t get through it myself so it’s awesome that you not only read it but also were able to write a modernized version of it! I love that you threw Michael Jackson in there he’s a great substitute for Virgil. I thought it was funny that his first thought after waking up was how he needs to study for his test. Finals week is approaching and I’ll probably be doing the exact same.
Wow, what an awesome twist to the story! I did not read this unit but I know enough about it. I really like how you made the levels fit with some of the biggest vices that people have today. The self-absorbed, the texters, the liars, the gluttons, it was all so perfect. I love reading stories that have been placed in modern day settings, so great job!
ReplyDeleteWhoa Michael Jackson?! Nice touch. That was an interesting choice, but I liked it. I really liked the pot twist at the end where he woke up and realized he had fallen asleep reading the book, and then dreaming about it. That happens to me all the time and it is the worst. I have never read Dante's Inferno, but you have peaked my interest and I will be sure to add it to my reading list. Good job, and good luck the rest of the semester.
ReplyDeleteHaha, wow. What an interesting story to read. I would never walk to a party that is five miles away. Honestly, I don’t think anyone really would walk that far. You really put a twist to your story with the five mile party and Michael Jackson being Garret’s guide. I love it how you had Garret thinking that he shouldn’t go with Michael but goes anyways.
ReplyDeleteYour interpretation of the different levels of hell were really great. It had a very modern feel to them and they all are truly a torture in their own ways. Great story!
Hey Averey! I enjoyed reading your story this week. I wish I would have stumbled upon your blog earlier in the semester. I liked your take on Dante's Inferno, especially how you used Michael Jackson. My favorite part was your descriptions of why people were in certain levels of Hell. In the second paragraph, first sentence, it should be direction instead of directions. Overall, I think you did a great job!
ReplyDeleteYour retelling with a modern twist is really interesting! It makes sense that a character who fell asleep reading the book would dream about it in terms they could understand. I really liked the inclusion of Michael Jackson as the new Virgil. He is certainly a popular enough figure that a wide audience would know him, just like Virgil in the original tale!
ReplyDeleteHey Averey,
ReplyDeleteI really liked the twist that you put with the classic tale of Dante's Inferno. It was quite humorous that you picked Michael Jackson as your Virgil. I do agree with you, it is fun and interesting to take these stories that have been around for so long and to give them a modern spin. I think that it really helps readers connect more to the story and really pulls them in. Good work!
ReplyDeleteOmo, this story was really gripping. I love Dante's Inferno and I really liked the twists you put in your version to truly make it your own. I wanted to try and do my storytelling this week over Dante's Inferno but I just had no idea how so I'm super excited that you were able to. Excellent!