Thursday, October 1, 2015

Extra Reading Diary: Japanese Fairy Tales

Japanese Fairy Tales 

This story was about a goblin cannibal who appeared as an old lady to entice people into her cottage. A priest looking for shelter came upon her cottage and asked for a place to say. The old lady agreed. She went out to fetch firewood and told the priest to not look in the back room. The priest was curious and frightened. He looked in the room and found blood and bones. He ran far and fast away from the cottage. The old women chased after him screaming, “stop! Stop!” but she never caught up with him and he promised himself to keep this behind him. My only problem with this story is that you don’t really know if it is she. She told him not to look and she doesn’t chase after him saying she was going to kill him. I just never came to the conclusion that is was she. Was I supposing to? Or was it meant to be suspicious? I like the mystery the story creates. You don’t always need an indefinite ending.

This story was about a brave knight who fought the ogre and cut his arm off. The ogre came back for his arm in the form of the knight’s old nurse. The ogre stole his arm back but was too scared of the knight to turn and fight back. I enjoyed the suspense the story had leading up to finding out the old nurse was actually the ogre. I saw it coming but wasn’t quite sure. I enjoyed it.

 I really enjoyed this story. It was sort of a Japanese version of Cinderella. There was a princess who’s mother died young. Her father remarried and her stepmother was wicked. The stepmother tried to poison the princess and when that didn’t work she tried to have one of the servants kill her. The Prince returned and started looking for his daughter. The servant never killed the princess but rather hid her in a far away forest. The prince reunited with this daughter and the stepmother fled because the prince knew of her wickedness. I enjoyed the length of this story and the progression of the story. It was really interesting and good.

The Temple of Hase located in Japan.
To learn more about this photo click here.

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