Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Reading Diary A: Jamaica Anansi Stories

Tying Tiger- The slang is very hard to understnad and the story sort of gets lost. 
The Gub-Gub Peas-I'm not sure if the lion died or who excatly was burned with an iron. 
Tiger as Riding-Horse-I like that a song was added at the end along with lyrics.
Tiger Catching the Sheep Thief-I am not sure why the title has sheep in it when it's about a hen.
Tiger's Breakfast- I was very confused what this story was about. 
Eggs and Scorpions- So him at the Tiger are friends? They looked out for eachother so I guess so.
Eating Tiger's Guts- I don't like the pictures of spiders. It actually sounds pretty fun when you read it outloud. 
Sheep and Anansi- So Anansi is the bad guy not the tiger or lion.
New Names-Again, love the adding of a song. Maybe i'll do that in my next story. 
Long-Shirt-I like the use of repetitive sentence structure.
Shut Up in the Pot-Someone always has to die. I think its a tale requirement or something. These stories were interesting yet hard to follow. 
A Tree in Jamaica. Photo was taken from pixabay.

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